Silver Spurs Ranch

Property Owners Association

P. O. Box 293

Walsenburg, CO 81089

A covenant Restricted Community






The 10th annual membership meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m., July 21, 2007 at the United Church of Walsenburg, Colorado by President Jim Morine.


The president pointed out that the POA will be utilizing a tape recorder to record the meeting and asked any speaker to identify themselves so that it could be properly noted in the minutes.  He then turned the meeting over to Secretary P. C. Roberts.


P. C. Roberts indicated that the financial section of the minutes from the 8th Annual Membership Meeting held on July 16, 2005 was incorrect and revised minutes were provided to all attendees at the 10th annual meeting.  P. C. made a motion that the corrected minutes from the 8th Annual Meeting be approved.  Theresa Urbanowski seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the membership.


P. C. then asked for comments/questions concerning the minutes of the 9th Annual Membership meeting after answering a question concerning the statement dates from Randy Wahl, Elmo Brown made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved.  Deacon Garza-Vela seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the membership. 


Gary Geiselbrecht presented the following treasurer’s report:








(Jan1-Dec31) 2006


INCOME                     DUES                                                  $          54,205.19

                                    GRAZING LEASE                                            5,000.00

                                    INTEREST INCOME                                       3,319.22

                                    NEWSLETTER AD’S                                          145.00

                                    SAN ISABEL REFUND                                    4,054.78

                                                                                                TOTAL                        $66,724.19







EXPENSE                  ROAD MAINTENANCE                                 51,358.79

                                    SNOW REMOVAL                                              232.44

                                    INSURANCE                                                     2,543.00

                                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                                             474.06

                                    INCOME TAX PREP                                           250.00

                                    POSTAGE                                                            197.75

                                    LIEN FILING FEES                                                24.00

                                    WEED SPRAYING                                               580.26

                                    PICNIC GIFTS                                                     400.84

                                    ANNUAL PICNIC                                                 542.49

                                    NEWSLETTER                                                    171.30

                                    MISC EXPENSE                                                  207.97

                                    LEGAL EXPENSE                                               668.42

                                    PERIODIC REPORT

                                    P.O. BOX RENTAL                                               40.00

                                    WEB PAGE                                                          119.40

                                    GRAVITY SURVEY                                           1,531.45

                                    CPA REVIEW                                                       350.00

                                                                                                TOTAL                        $59,692.17


NET INCOME                                                                                    $   7,032.02





RETAINED EARNINGS (Jan 1, 2006)                                                          $          160,040.84

NET INCOME                                                                                                            $              7,032.02

TOTAL                                                                                                            $          167,072.86


CD BALANCE (Dec 31, 2006)                                                                       $          127,600.00

CD BALANCE (Dec 31, 2006)                                                                       $            33,833.74

CHECKING BALANCE (Dec 31, 2006)                                                        $              5,639.12

TOTAL                                                                                                            $          167,072.86























(Jan 1 – Jun 30) 2007


INCOME                     DUES                                                  $          50,048.25

                                    GRAZING LEASE                                            2,500.00

                                    INTEREST INCOME                                       5,445.86

                                    NEWSLETTER AD’S                                          100.00

                                    SAN ISABEL REFUND                                 

                                                                                                TOTAL                        $58,094.11


EXPENSE                  ROAD MAINTENANCE                                   1,840.00

                                    SNOW REMOVAL                                           7,087.95


                                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                                            145.64

                                    INCOME TAX PREP                                          275,00

                                    POSTAGE                                                           195.14

                                    LIEN FILING FEES                                               66.00

                                    WEED SPRAYING                                              335.94

                                    PICNIC GIFTS                                                    318.98

                                    ANNUAL PICNIC

                                    NEWSLETTER                                                      70.89

                                    MISC EXPENSE                                                    30.80

                                    LEGAL EXPENSE

                                    PERIODIC REPORT

                                    P.O. BOX RENTAL

                                    WEB PAGE                                                          120.40

                                    OVERPAYMENT REFUND                                 233.00

                                                                                                TOTAL                        $10,719.74


NET INCOME                                                                                    $  47,374.37




RETAINED EARNINGS (Jan 1, 2007)                                                          $          167,072.86

NET INCOME                                                                                                            $            47,374.37

TOTAL                                                                                                            $          214,447.23


CD BALANCE (Jun 30, 2007)                                                                       $          132,704.00

CD BALANCE (Jun 30, 2007)                                                                       $            64,175.60

CHECKING BALANCE (Jun 30, 2007)                                                        $            17,567.63

TOTAL                                                                                                            $          214,447.23














INCOME                     P.O.A. DUES                                      $          48,380

                                    GRAZING LEASE                              $            5,000

                                    INTEREST INCOME                         $            5,000

                                    NEWSLETTER AD’S                         $               150


                                    GROSS INCOME                                                      $          58,530


EXPENSE                  ROAD MAINTENANCE                     $          42,000

                                    SNOW REMOVAL                             $            5,000

                                    INSURANCE                                      $            3,000

                                    LEGAL EXPENSE                             $            1,000

                                    ANNUAL PICNIC                               $               600

                                    PICNIC GIFTS                                   $               700

                                    OFFICE SUPPLIES                           $               600

                                    NEWSLETTER                                  $               550

                                    WEED CONTROL                             $               500

                                    POSTAGE                                          $               350

                                    LIEN FILINGS                                                $               100

                                    WEB PAGE                                        $               150

                                    MISC EXPENSE                                $               350

                                    P.O. BOX RENTAL                           $                 40

                                    INCOME TAX PREP                         $               300


                                    TOTAL EXPENSE                                                     $          55,240


NET INCOME                                                                                                            $            3,290


The financial statements and proposed budget were accepted as presented.


Jack Fischer, our Road Chairman, presented the report on the roads in the ranch.  In 2006 work proceeded on cleaning out ditches and culverts that had become clogged with dirt and debris.  Work was done on the west side of Silver Spur road in the large canyon by digging a catch basin to contain the water and take the stress off of the culverts in the area.  Work continued putting road base material on road areas within the ranch that needed improvement.  Jack pointed out the fact that this past winter was a rough one on the roads.  We had two large snowfalls and a lot of drifting.  He asked that if any resident in the ranch sees that their road is drifted over, please let him know so that he can coordinate the clearing of the road.


The road work anticipated for 2007 includes the road from Jim White’s house to the cul-de-sac; Boot Court to Jim Morine’s house will be surfaced;  Horseshoe to Greenhorn will be surfaced.  There are some issues concerning culverts which Jack is actively addressing to alleviate the wash-outs on the roads in some areas.  Work is being done to prepare the roads to newly constructed homes in anticipation of residents moving in.  Final surfacing will be done upon receipt of the Certificate of Occupancy. 


Work will be done this fall to place T-posts at the sides of roads to facilitate snow removal this winter.  It has been nearly impossible to determine exactly where the road is under the large drifts we encountered this past winter.  Jack pointed out that we have a commitment to the new home owners to make the roads passable as soon as possible after their occupancy permit is issued.  P. C. Roberts added that there is a protocol concerning the road maintenance priority.  New homes are third on the list in priority for road maintenance, and are in order of seniority.  First in priority are the main arteries of the ranch, for safety and escape from fire as well as medical emergency.  The second in priority is any damage or wash-out through an act of nature. 



Concern was expressed relative to the condition of the crossing on Silver Spur Road at Ideal Canyon.  Jack indicated that the board has been watching the situation which is deteriorating and work is being done to have the crossing inspected and alternatives devised to repair the damage.  There are budgetary constraints as well as structural issues that must be addressed before any work can begin.  Rich Wyland suggested that the crown on Silver Spur road along the canyon near Lyons hill be modified so that it leans more away from the canyon.  There is concern that on icy roads vehicles could easily slide toward the canyon.   One of the property owner’s thanked the volunteer board of directors for their hard work on the roads. 


Preston Roberts presented the Architectural Review Committee report.  This past year three new homes have been started and four barns were built.  He reminded the membership that all structures must be approved by the ARC before a county building permit is obtained.


Alane Wilson indicated to the membership that she and Wes can no longer prepare the Silver Spurs Ranch Newsletter.  They asked for volunteers to take over the task and indicated that they would pass along the information and templates necessary to put the newsletter together.  There were no immediate volunteers,  No further newsletters will be published until a new volunteer comes forward.


Next to report was Deacon Garza-Vela, our covenant enforcement officer.  He indicated that one of the property owner’s reported a theft from his property.  Regrettably, the board has no jurisdiction in matters of theft.  The incident must be reported to the Huerfano County Sheriff’s department.  It was recommended that all valuables be secured in a locked structure.  Photographic evidence of valuables is highly recommended.   It was also recommended to install a gate at the entry to discourage visitors.




Preston Roberts indicated that weed spraying in the ranch is an ongoing process and the board is looking for assistance from lot owners. There are three electric sprayers as well as the chemicals available for use by lot owners.  Any board member can be contacted to arrange the loan of the equipment.  Due to the ample rain this spring, any and all help will be appreciated.







I.                     Snow Removal Equipment – Deacon related the problems encountered last winter with the severe snow storms and snow removal.  Silver Spurs does not own its’ own equipment, but contracts out for snow removal.  The P.O.A. investigated the possibility of purchasing a piece of used snow removal equipment for use on Silver Spurs Ranch roads.  Several pieces of used equipment were considered as examples of what was available and for what cost.  Under the by-laws, the membership of the P.O.A. must approve expenditures of greater than $10,000.  A motion was made to put the issue up for a vote to allow the Board to utilize up to $25,000 for the purchase of equipment to be used for snow removal.  It was seconded and the vote count was as follows:  74 votes in favor, 14 against.  The motion failed.

II.                   Jim White addressed the membership concerning his concerns relative to road maintenance.  Specifically the amount of road base installed.  He was concerned that nowhere on the ranch that has had 4 inches of road base installed.  He also expressed concern that the board is not installing culverts where it is recommended that they be installed.  He pointed out that the board should have the snow cleared from the roads after 12 inches have fallen rather than waiting until the snow has stopped, which, he contends is the current policy.  Jack Fischer addressed Mr. White’s concerns stating that the 4 inch road base amount is used only to obtain bids for the work, so that each contractor is quoting on the same amount.  The actual amount is adjusted based on the physical condition of the roadway and to maximize the budgeted amount.  Relative to the culverts, the board actively utilized culverts to divert water so that wash-outs are minimized, but once again budgetary constraints dictate the number that are installed.  Gary Geiselbrecht pointed out that within Silver Spurs Ranch there are approximately 135 culverts, most of which were installed by the developer.  He estimated that probably less than half of the culverts are properly installed to function at optimum efficiency.  Also, the contours of the ranch change so that culverts that may have been working in the past are no longer properly diverting water.  The board constantly battles dirt clogging the culverts but has no special equipment to handle this work.  Lastly, the cost of culverts has skyrocketed, making it more difficult to budget for the additional work.

III.                  Jim Mobley asked a question concerning testing for methane gas on Silver Spurs Ranch.  Preston Roberts indicated that his well was tested and a minute amount found.  There were 13 wells that tested positive for methane gas between Walsenburg and LaVeta.




Preston Roberts nominated Bud Palmer for the position of Secretary.  No other nominations were received from the floor and Bud was accepted by acclimation.  The membership unanimously thanked Preston Roberts for his many years of service on the Board of Directors.




Mary Fischer will form a committee and get volunteers to assist in preparing the picnic for next year. 


The meeting was adjourned.